
Publishing a White Paper laying out a vision of the Digital Currency DCJPY

Publishing a White Paper laying out a vision of the Digital Currency DCJPY

DeCurret DCP Inc. (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan, President: Satoshi Murabayashi, hereinafter "DeCurret DCP") will release "DCJPY White Paper 2023" on Thursday, October 12, 2023, laying out a vision of the DCJPY (tentative name) Network (former name: Two-tiered Digital Currency Platform) when the network is widely used in society and the mechanism to realize digital currency. The DCJPY aims to be launched in July 2024.

In our previous white paper issued in November 2021, we presented a method to realize the digital currency DCJPY, and through the Digital Currency Forum, for which we have served as the secretariat for about two years, we have accumulated a great deal of verification work. As a result, our product, which issues and manages the digital currency DCJPY and enables business transactions on digital platforms, has reached a practical level and can convey a more concrete image of social implementation than the previous paper.
This white paper is strongly focused on the world view of digital social infrastructure in near future and the services we plan to offer in July 2024.

This white paper also shows the structure of the functionality provided by the core components of the service, AMIC. Other narratives that evoke use cases and technical and legal underpinnings are provided, and the paper describes in concrete terms how a future with widespread digital currency can be realized.

<Overall Service Structure>

The DCJPY White Paper 2023 can be downloaded by completing the survey on the following portal site.

What is the Digital Currency DCJPY Network (AMIC Sign)?
The DCJPY network, which manages digital currency, consists of the Financial Zone (former name: Common Area) in which issuing banks participate and the Business Zone (former name: Business Process Area) in which operating companies develop their businesses, and transactions are linked through interconnection.
DCJPY, managed by banks in the Financial Zone, provides services by minting bank deposits as digital currency on the blockchain. DCJPY is built to maximize the use of high security measures and banking business know-how, such as identity verification and fund management. Therefore, it can be said to be an implementation method with high compatibility with Web3 while maintaining continuity with the existing financial infrastructure.
The Business Zone can issue assets such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT), Security Tokens (ST), and Governance Tokens (GT) on the blockchain network and set the terms of the tokens. Automation of commercial operations and payment settlement can be completed entirely on this service through smart contracts (programmed transactions) using DCJPY managed by banks in their financial zones.
It also provides integration capabilities with external blockchains and external systems, a highly complete mechanism that enables collaboration across business systems.

Seminar Commemorating Publication of White Paper 2023
A commemorative seminar will be held in conjunction with the publication of the white paper. We will explain the main points and provide examples of the use of AMIC, our core service. Also, Mr. Masayoshi Amamiya, Eminent Guest Professor of The Center for Advanced Research in Finance (CARF), The University of Tokyo, Mr. Tetsuya Bessho, CEO of Visual Voice Inc., Mr. Hiroki Akahoshi, Partner of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC, and Mr. Kensuke Amo, Executive Adviser of Web3 Project OASIS will be speaking at the seminar.

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 14:30-16:30 (Registration starts at 14:00)
Location: ROOM901, Shin Marunouchi Building Conference Square
(Shin Marunouchi Building 9F, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, directly connected to Tokyo Station on the Marunouchi Line and Nijubashimae Station on the Chiyoda Line)
※We are sorry, but this is a face-to-face only meeting.
Participation Fee: Free
Application Deadline: Monday, October 16, 2023, 17:00

For more information and to register for the seminar, please visit the following page.

"AMIC Sign" portal site
AMIC Sign, a portal site for our services, was released on Wednesday, October 4, 2012. The website provides a place to deeply understand and experience the world of the digital currency DCJPY.
It consists of three steps: "Know," "Try," and "Use." The "Know" step explains basic concepts and features of DCJPY, the "Try" step allows users to experience DCJPY trading methods and wallet operations through demos, and the "Use" step allows users to utilize DCJPY in a sandbox environment in situations similar to actual business applications. We will sequentially open to the public a place where one can explore the world of digital currency in terms of both information and practice.
AMIC Sign: https://amicsign.com/

Product Blog "DE BEYOND"
Our official blog, "The Future of Digital Payments," provides information on our development philosophy and the thoughts of our creators who will lead the future of digital payments.
We will convey the affluent society and future created by DCJPY by explaining the basics of digital currency, how it can be useful to society and business, in-person interviews with experts across genres, and explanations of technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts.
We will be distributing commentary articles on this white paper in due course, so please check it out regularly.
DE BEYOND: https://note.decurret-dcp.com/

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